Wednesday 1 April 2015

Some MyPOD FAQs for new users

Q: The auto downloads have stopped working?
A: Here is a checklist:

  • Check the settings > storage there is a slider there to allocate space. Probably the default should be higher.
  • The download queue is on the bottom left of the nav menu (swipe out from left)
  • You can see if power/wifi is connected in the animation at the top of the screen. The Storage icon (shaped like an SD card) is red if storage is limited. so again you may need to add storage.
  • You can manually download using the ... icon on the episode
Q: I can't add downloads
A: You can download using the ... menu on the episode or by going to the podcast page and and you the download button on the row.

Q. I cant empty the trash
A. Empty the trash using the trashcan at the top of the downloaded episodes screen.

Q. I want to remove items from the listened menu
A. You can use the ... menu on the episode to toggle the listened flag for the episode.

Q. My feeds don't update.
A. Checklist:

  • You can see the time the podcast was updated by opening the podcast and going to info. If you think the feed hasn't been updated within the set update interval then let me know. 
  • You can also sort by update time using the filter on the favourites screen.
  • There are power/wifi options for the updater in settings > Updates/downloads the default is to update on power and wifi.
Q. How do i change what i see on the overlay (coloured boxes)?

  • Long press the overlay to see what the items mean. 
  • There is a modify button at the bottom. This shows the modify dialog. Check items to enable them. and drag to re-order them.
  • There is a known issue that just change the order doesn't update the overlay, the workaround is to remove items temporarily. or exit/return to the screen
Q. Which app should i install beta (purple icon) or V2 (blue icon)
A. The beta app will generally be a bit ahead of the v2 main app and more frequently. So it depends what you need - cutting edge or cruise control. 
It's best to just install one of the apps though as they may interfere with each other. e.g. the cleaner might delete files for the other app. 

Q. When are material design changes coming?
A. Very Soon. I am working on the heavily now. Here are some screen shots but the is still more to do

Q. Where can i get more help?
A. I am always eager to help so drop us a line - here are the social networking addresses:
Here is a kitten video if you still haven't found what you need ...

Wednesday 18 March 2015 released.

This release has bugfixes and improvements:
* Stop playlists re-adding items after update
make download folder if it doesn't exist
* Need to fix the terminology in the space settings screen
* Add flag for added to playlist.
* Fix update button on fly out
* No longer it marks the show "FIN" when switch between podcasts
Thanks: Yuri, Rodney, Jonathon
* Exception fixes

There are some more UI changes for Material design coming in a couple of weeks. I will publish some videos here over the next couple of weeks.


Is VCR that old?